3月30日 日誌 ChatGPTに修正依頼

30 March


“I usually wake up at 9:00 am on weekdays, but when I decided to wake up at 10:00 am on Sundays, I realized today is Saturday. In the end, I woke up at 11:00 am, but let’s still do 5 minutes of English or memorize 100 words.”

前置詞のat 時間の前につけて「〜に」となる。
例)at 10:00 am 「10時に」
最後の5 minutes of English or memorize 100 wordsですが、
A or Bだと「AかBのどちらか」となるので間違いで、正解はA and B「AとB」です。

31 March


Today is Sunday, but since I haven’t made much progress in “memorizing vocabulary,” I have to do that. After that, I’ll do “5 minutes of English,” and then I think I’ll call it a day.

Today is Sunday, but since I haven’t made much progress in “memorizing vocabulary”, I have to do that.
After that, I’ll do “5 minutes of English”, and “memorizing vocabulary”, and then I think I’ll call it a day.

call it a day 「〔その日の仕事などを〕終わりにする、切りあげる」

